New pink uniforms!


Renzo Gracie Houston Academy Etiquette

  • Leave your ego outside and be humble and respectful to others.
  • Arrive early for class.
  • Sign in for every class.
  • Enter and exit the mat with permission from instructors.
  • Bow to the center of the mats when entering or exiting the mats.
  • Remove shoes prior to stepping on the mats.
  • Always wear shoes off the mats.
  • Keep quiet while the instructor is teaching.
  • No foul language or poor attitudes.
  • Personal hygiene is a must. Please bathe and use deodorant to prevent body odor, and keep nails trimmed.
  • Students must wear a clean and appropriate uniform for class.
  • Students are required to wear a rash-guard underneath their Gi.
  • Keep your uniform and equipment clean. (wash after EVERY class)
  • Remove all jewelry before class.
  • Give higher ranked students preferred space during training.
  • Refer to Black Belt Instructors as “Professor”
  • Refer to non Black Belt Instructors as “Coaches”
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Maintain a safe environment while training.
  • Use proper Tap Out procedures. Remember this is a training session, not a World Championship.
  • Open cuts will be covered at all times.
  • Show your training partner courtesy during training.
  • Mouth guards are encouraged during training.
  • If you are sick, stay home.
  • You are responsible for your child's behavior if they are not participating in class.
  • Respect those you train with and the Instructors. Rank is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Respect the facility. Pick up after yourself.
  • NO COACHING from off the mats. Please be respectful to the instructors.
  • What you are taught is for your personal development as a student and citizen, and should be used as a last resort when everything else has failed.