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Texas Affiliate Academies
Free Trial Class
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I do not have a Gi. Can I still attend a class?
What other gym items should I bring?
How many classes am I allowed to take per month?
What are the general benefits for a membership?
How is your facility and amenities?
What can I expect for my first class?
Can I trial a class before signing up?
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Renzo Gracie Houston Academy Etiquette
Leave your ego outside and be humble and respectful to others.
Arrive early for class.
Sign in for every class.
Enter and exit the mat with permission from instructors.
Bow to the center of the mats when entering or exiting the mats.
Remove shoes prior to stepping on the mats.
Always wear shoes off the mats.
Keep quiet while the instructor is teaching.
No foul language or poor attitudes.
Personal hygiene is a must. Please bathe and use deodorant to prevent body odor, and keep nails trimmed.
Students must wear a clean and appropriate uniform for class.
Students are required to wear a rash-guard underneath their Gi.
Keep your uniform and equipment clean. (wash after EVERY class)
Remove all jewelry before class.
Give higher ranked students preferred space during training.
Refer to Black Belt Instructors as “Professor”
Refer to non Black Belt Instructors as “Coaches”
Be aware of your surroundings. Maintain a safe environment while training.
Use proper Tap Out procedures. Remember this is a training session, not a World Championship.
Open cuts will be covered at all times.
Show your training partner courtesy during training.
Mouth guards are encouraged during training.
If you are sick, stay home.
You are responsible for your child's behavior if they are not participating in class.
Respect those you train with and the Instructors. Rank is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom.
Respect the facility. Pick up after yourself.
NO COACHING from off the mats. Please be respectful to the instructors.
What you are taught is for your personal development as a student and citizen, and should be used as a last resort when everything else has failed.